With Bristakia Ncc you will be able to reach any destination, go hiking in the most beautiful citie
s of Calabria, be involved in real Tours for visiting ancient monuments, famous tourist sites, amazing food and wine routes, landscapes and breathtaking views, “Must “Made in Italy shopping.
Experiences that will give you long lasting emotions and will remember a long time: cho
ose the complete relaxation of an accompanying visit. Beside the perfect and competent organization, you can
have the fullest freedom to visit, according to your personal taste and the times you want to treat, all your favorite goals and itineraries.
Whether it’s a simple transfer or a real tour, a guided tour or not, half a day or all day o
r even longer days, you will always have at your disposal more prepared and multilingual drivers , so that your travels are full of satisfaction without the risk of falling into unexpected unforeseen circumstances: park
ing, limited traffic area, lane choices or just a good restaurant where you can enjoy some local specialties, will no longer be a problem. ..
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